What happens during an appointment?

During your first appointment I will give you a brief explanation of Body Stress Release and take a detailed case history.

You remain fully clothed. I have a specially designed BSR couch which you will be lowered down on, so there is no climbing on and off. I then test your body for body stress using a series of gentle reflex tests along your spine and other areas of your body as required. Your body will indicate the exact sites of body stress, I then apply a gentle but precise stimulation to the affected areas to encourage your body to ‘release’ the tension, thereby restoring communication and its natural self-healing abilities.

After carrying out the releases, I explain what I have found, advise you on posture and show you some simple self-help techniques.

Initially we book three appointments for you over a period of two weeks. It’s important and beneficial that you attend all three appointments, as BSR is a process and some clients can experience increased sensitivity – especially after the first release.

Depending on how your body responds to the releases will determine the way forward. Responses are often rapid, but also depends on how long the tension has been present.